How to survive anything, and I mean anything.

I am comfortable with Maya Angelou’s characterization Father/Mother/God for several reasons, not the least of which is that some days I need a Father Figure, others the Compassion of a fierce and Omnipotent Mother, and other days when it does not matter.
God is so much bigger than any box we could conceive.

I am not exceptional…

"The way you articulate your position...., you know, you're so articulate for a...."
[expletive deleted]
I speak like the people I know. Those I spend time with, those whom I love. Those who raised me, those who raised them, etcetera. English, well-spoken and well writ, is our first language. We go to college (we graduate). We're normal.

Join me at The Mudroom

Today, I'm talking Race, Culture, Identity, and Faith over at my new home. I'm joined by brilliant women who make me want to dig deeper and reach further, and I thank God for the opportunity.